On to California. Oh, and big news!
Sunday I hit the road for southern California. We decided to skip most of New Mexico and Arizona for two reasons. 1. We have some friends that were going there with their twin 5 year old granddaughters so we thought we’d bring cadence out to meet them and also fulfill my promise to take her to Disney for her birthday. 2. We want to hit Alaska by the middle of August so we figured hitting the northern states throughout June and July, then heading south again would work best. Especially for us thin skinned folks.
So I drove Sunday and Monday to Huntington beach while Jamie was in her training with plans to pick Cadence up on Saturday. Wednesday I picked up a two day trip to Honolulu. As if I didn’t get enough of Hawaii last week. Gotta pay for that failed fuel pump. Here are pics of the campground and beach. Not exactly a nice campsite but that’s what you get in Huntington Beach on the beach.
The big news is that in Big Bend dumbass, me, lost our camera. It only had one day of pictures on it, but more important we went to Lajita’s wild West town to shoot a pistol, a rifle and a shotgun. It was alot of fun but also Jamie’s first time shooting a gun and I was really disappointed that I lost the pics. Well I was setting up camp and found the camera in a bag in a storage bin. So if you want to check them out they’re dated April 15.