Los Reyes de la Tortas and the Cactus Garden

Los Reyes de la Tortas and the Cactus Garden

Phoenix, AZ
We started today by checking off another of my lists having lunch at one of Adam Richman’s best sandwich of America places. This one is called Los Reyes de la Torta. The sandwich he rated was called their Torta. It had ham, melted cheese, pork sirloin, breaded beef, omelet, sausage, Mexican sausage, tomato, onions, avocado, chipotle sauce, refried beans and potatoes ruffles on the side. That sandwich was insane. I have to admit of all the sandwiches on his list that we’ve tried for me that was the worst. I’m not a big fan of Mexican food to begin with but Jamie is and she agreed. This place was also on his show man vs food. They have another sandwich called the King Carlos V, if you eat that in under ten minutes it’s free. No thanks lol.

Then we went to the cactus garden. They are in full bloom now and Jamie wanted to check out all the different varieties. She loves her flowers although I’m not sure I consider them flowers. I never knew there were so many different varieties of cacti. They also had a butterfly section which was ok. They had a book on display for people to more what kind of wildlife they see so I added an entry. I may have been suffering from the heat when I added my sighting.

Coke? What was I thinking? Notice her margarita

A little Prairie dog

Road runner. Beep beep

Check out my entry on the bottom. Couldn’t resist

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